Monday, February 23, 2009

I Can V-log

So tonight I went out and got all of the needed materials for tomorrow's vlog, which I think I'm going to refer to as a v-log (VEE-log) just to be different. And also because I don't like saying "vlog." Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. By the way, here's what you need: video camera (had it), Memory Stick or something similar (bought it--$20 at Target), and some video editing software (I'm using Movie Maker cuz it's free and I don't know what I'm doing, as you will soon see.)

I even figured out how to upload and then embed the thing. It ain't much, but it's a start.

The next time you see me I'll be holding a brand spanking new copy of this:

Until then, rabid devotees...


Kelly Polark said...

Wow! You are so techie! The free movie application you are using, did you download it off the internet or did it come with your computer? I've had an idea for a video, but am looking for something cheap and easy to work with. I'm surprised I can even embed others videos let alone make one!

Anita said...

I think I'd like it more when you're looking about 20 degrees off of the camera, like you're being interviewed...not directly into the you know what I mean?

VERY informative post...perhaps the best one I've ever seen.

Paul Michael Murphy said...

Kelly--why thank you. It came with my computer, but you can download Movie Maker for free. Just Google Movie Maker. I use, which should be the second link.

Anita--good idea. And pretending to be interviewed feeds my ego. Excellent. Thanks for the compliment, although "informative" is rarely what I'm shooting for.

Anita said...

I was being sarcastic when I said "informative." But it TRULY was inspiring (no sarcasm there). Maybe I should try a Veelog.

Paul Michael Murphy said...

That's the trouble with text--sarcasm just doesn't translate sometimes.

Monica said...

you are such a nerd, Paul Michael Murphy. Love the V-log. Can't wait to see more.

oh, and what is it that you are shooting for?

Paul Michael Murphy said...

1. In my younger and more vulnerable years, I would have taken the nerd comment as an insult. Now, not so much.

2. As for what I'm shooting for, that would be total Webospheric domination through the unbridled use of parentheses.

Monica said...

i totally meant it as a compliment, Paul Michael Murphy. Totally.

Good luck with the web dominance (parentheses rock!!)